Starlink: Battle for Atlas Coming to PC with Crimson Moon Update

Ubisoft announced that the action Starlink: Battle for Atlas Coming to PC on April 30th, the same year as the free Crimson Moon update for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch. The latest version will also get a paid add-on with characters from Star Fox.

Starlink: Battle for Atlas Coming to PC with Crimson Moon Update

As part of a free update, pilots will be able to explore the Crimson Moon to take part in the Rogue Games and decide who will rule the Atlas system for the next 15 years. Players will be able to participate in new races (alone or in split-screen mode) and fight waves of ruthless enemies in the Crimson Coliseum. In addition, the Prospectors will ask you to hunt down outcasts who want to plunge the Atlas into chaos. You will receive a reward for them.

At the same time, the Expedition will need help in uncovering the secret of the Atlas system. You have to explore the Cradle of the Guardians and decipher the ancient codes to find the mysterious Heavenly Anvil.

Starlink: Battle for Atlas Coming to PC with Crimson Moon Update

Nintendo Switch users will be able to play as Star Fox team members Falco, Peppy and Slippy along with the update. Together they hunt the Star Wolf Lieutenants, Andrew, Pygma, and Leon. The add-on will cost $11,99.


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