Sci-fi adventure developer Echo closes

The small studio Ultra Ultra, which produced the sci-fi adventure Echo, has announced that it is closing down.

Sci-fi adventure developer Echo closes

“We are terribly sad to announce that Ultra Ultra has ceased to exist,” reads the twitter studios. “We are grateful that we had the opportunity to crystallize something real from the heart. Echo will continue to be available in stores."

Sci-fi adventure developer Echo closes

According to the plot of Echo, after hundreds of years in stasis, the main character En finally gets to the Palace, built by an extinct civilization. She wants to revive humanity with the power of forgotten technology, but she does not even suspect what awaits her inside.

And inside, self-learning robots "Echo" are waiting for her, which receive updates on your actions, take into account your behavior. If you run, they will get faster. If you sneak around, they will become even more stealthy. If you shoot, they will learn to shoot back. The game constantly reacts to your every choice and action. And Echo looks exactly like the main character.

Sci-fi adventure developer Echo closes

Echo was released on PC and PlayStation 4 in September 2017. And although the studio has closed, the production of a film adaptation of the game continues.

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