The information security community refused to change the terms white hat and black hat

Most Information Security Professionals performed against the proposal to move away from the use of the terms 'black hat' and 'white hat'. The proposal was initiated by David Kleidermacher, Google's vice president of engineering, who I refuse to speak at the Black Hat USA 2020 conference and invited the industry to move away from the use of the terms "black hat", "white hat" and MITM (man-in-the-middle) in favor of more neutral alternatives. The term MITM caused dissatisfaction due to gender binding, instead it was proposed to use the word PITM (people-in-the-middle).

Most of the participants in the discussion expressed their bewilderment the way racist stereotypes try to bind to terms that have nothing to do with them. White and black colors have been used for centuries to represent good and evil. The terms black hat and white hat have no connection with skin color and have their origins in western films in which the good guys wore white hats and the bad guys wore black hats. At one time, this analogy was transferred to information security.


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