Unreal Engine 5 tech demo on PlayStation 5 ran at 1440p at 30fps

Today Epic Games for the first time demonstrated Unreal Engine 5 capabilities on PlayStation 5. It appears that the console was only able to play the tech demo in real time at 30fps, without ray tracing, and at 1440p resolution.

Unreal Engine 5 tech demo on PlayStation 5 ran at 1440p at 30fps

Eurogamer discussed the Unreal Engine 5 tech demo with Epic Games VP of Development Nick Penwarden.

“Interestingly, the console works very well with our dynamic resolution technique. This way, when the load on the GPU gets high, we can reduce the resolution a little and adapt to that. We actually used dynamic resolution in the demo, although most of the time [the tech demo] is rendered at 1440p,” he said.

Eurogamer also confirmed that this tech demo did not feature ray technology, although it is supported in Unreal Engine 5.

Given that Xbox Series X is 5-2 teraflops more powerful than PlayStation 3, you can expect Microsoft's console to handle Unreal Engine 5 better.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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