Xbox One can now be controlled with Google Assistant voice commands

Microsoft has announced the integration of Google Assistant on Xbox One. Users can use voice commands to control their console.

Xbox One can now be controlled with Google Assistant voice commands

The public beta of Google Assistant Voice Commands on Xbox One has already started and is only available in English. Microsoft says Google and Xbox are working together to expand language support in the near future before a full feature launch by the end of the fall.

Xbox One can now be controlled with Google Assistant voice commands

Currently, through Google Assistant, users can turn the Xbox One on and off, launch games and applications, play and stop videos. For this you need:

  1. join a Google group with the Google account you intend to use;
  2. log in to Xbox One;
  3. in the Google Home app for iOS or Android:
    1. click "Add";
    2. click "Configure device";
    3. click "Previously configured devices";
    4. find and select ″ [beta] Xbox ″.
  4. sign in to your Microsoft account that is used on Xbox One;
  5. follow the instructions on the smartphone screen.

If Google Home can't find your device, try turning on digital assistants on your Xbox One in Settings > Devices & Streaming > Digital Assistants.

Xbox One can now be controlled with Google Assistant voice commands

Once you've completed the steps above, you'll be able to use Google Assistant voice commands (don't forget to add English commands in your Google Home settings) on your Xbox One. Eg:

  • ″Hey Google, play Gears 5 on Xbox.”
  • “Hey Google, turn on Xbox.”
  • “Hey Google, turn off Xbox.”
  • “Hey Google, launch YouTube on Xbox.”
  • “Hey Google, pause on Xbox.”
  • “Hey Google, resume on Xbox.”
  • “Hey Google, volume up on Xbox.”
  • “Hey Google, take a screenshot on Xbox.”

You can also change the default name of the console in Google Home to whatever suits you and say it instead of Xbox.


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