The test release of the Rocky Linux distribution, which replaces CentOS, has been postponed until the end of April

The developers of the Rocky Linux project, aimed at creating a new free build of RHEL that can take the place of the classic CentOS, published a March report announcing the postponement to April 30 of the first test release of the distribution, previously scheduled for March 31. The start time for testing the Anaconda installer, which was scheduled to be published on February 28, has not yet been determined.

Of the work already completed, the preparation of the assembly infrastructure, the assembly system and the platform for automatic assembly of packages was noted. A test public package repository has been put into operation. The BaseOS repository has been successfully built, work continues on the AppStream and PowerTools repositories. Work is underway to establish the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation (RESF) to oversee the project. Preparation of infrastructure for primary mirrors has begun. Launched your own YouTube channel. An agreement has been prepared with the developers, which must be signed by everyone involved in the development of the distribution.

Recall that the Rocky Linux project is being developed under the leadership of Gregory Kurtzer, the founder of CentOS, in order to create an alternative that can take the place of the classic CentOS. In parallel, to develop advanced products based on Rocky Linux and support the community of developers of this distribution, a commercial company Ctrl IQ was created, which received $ 4 million in investment. The Rocky Linux distribution itself is promised to be developed independently of the Ctrl IQ company under the control of the community. MontaVista also joined the development and financing of the project. Provider FossHost provided hardware to deploy an alternative assembly infrastructure.


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