The Coalition clarified the release window for Gears Tactics strategy on Xbox One

At the Inside Unreal broadcast with the developers of The Coalition, some details of the Gears of War franchise became known. In particular, they told when to expect the release of a turn-based strategy. Gears Tactics on Xbox One.

The Coalition clarified the release window for Gears Tactics strategy on Xbox One

Gears Tactics is out on PC on April 28, 2020. It was created by The Coalition in collaboration with Splash Damage. The game tells about the events that took place 12 years before the first part of Gears of War. The Locust Army has just come to the surface of the planet Sera to destroy humanity. You need to fight back as Gabe Diaz (Kate's father from Gears of War 4 and Gears 5) and his squad. The game received positive reviews from critics (82 out of 100 points). on average) and gamers (76% of 2 user reviews Steam positive).

The Coalition clarified the release window for Gears Tactics strategy on Xbox One

The Coalition said Olga,that Gears Tactics is coming to Xbox One this fall. Most likely, the exact release date will be announced on July 23rd at the event. dedicated to games Xbox Game Studios. There is a good chance that the project will be released on the Xbox Series X with graphical improvements.



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