Ubuntu Unity will become the official edition of Ubuntu

Members of the technical committee that manages the development of Ubuntu have approved a plan to make the Ubuntu Unity distribution one of the official editions of Ubuntu. At the first stage, daily test builds of Ubuntu Unity will be generated, which will be offered along with the rest of the official editions of the distribution (Lubuntu, Kubuntu, Ubuntu Mate, Ubuntu Budgie, Ubuntu Studio, Xubuntu and Ubuntu Kylin). If no major issues are identified, Ubuntu Unity will be included in the officially offered builds starting with the release of Ubuntu 22.10.

Previously, the Ubuntu Unity developer community has shown its worth by releasing several unofficial releases, as well as meeting all the requirements for official builds. The build with the Unity desktop will be integrated into the main Ubuntu build infrastructure, will be distributed from official mirrors, follow a typical development cycle, use testing services and the formation of intermediate builds.

The Ubuntu Unity distribution offers a desktop based on the Unity 7 shell, based on the GTK library and optimized for efficient use of vertical space on widescreen laptops. The Unity shell came by default from Ubuntu 11.04 to Ubuntu 17.04. The Unity 7 codebase has long been abandoned after Ubuntu migrated in 2016 to the Unity 8 shell, migrated to the Qt5 library and Mir display server, and returned in 2017 to GNOME with the Ubuntu Dock. In 2020, the Ubuntu Unity distribution was created based on Unity 7 and shell development resumed. The project is being developed by Rudra Saraswat, a XNUMX-year-old teenager from India.

In the future, the Ubuntu Cinnamon Remix build (iso images), which offers a custom Cinnamon environment, also claims to receive official status. Additionally, we can note the UbuntuDDE assembly with the DDE (Deepin Desktop Environment) graphical environment, the development of which slowed down on the release of 21.04.

Source: opennet.ru

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