Empowered Demons Coming to DOOM Eternal with Next Update

Bethesda Softworks on your official website shared the first details about the next content update for DOOM Eternal, which should be out "very soon".

Empowered Demons Coming to DOOM Eternal with Next Update

The full list of changes introduced by the patch will be revealed closer to the release, but for now, Bethesda Softworks is ready to talk only about the main innovations. The first of these are enhanced demons.

When a user dies in his single player game, the demon that killed him becomes stronger and can get into the story campaign of another gamer. For defeating such a monster, the hero is also entitled to "bonus experience in a game event."

At the same time, if the enhanced demon defeats the player it entered the world, it will disappear without a trace and go to terrorize other users. The feature can be disabled if desired.

Empowered Demons Coming to DOOM Eternal with Next Update

In addition, the developers promised to rid the story campaign of "annoying shortcomings." Changes will specifically affect vertical dashing out of water and damage taken while swimming in toxic slime.

The Battlemode mode with the release of the patch will acquire the Denuvo Anticheat anti-cheat system, an improved training mode, bad connection indicators, a death details screen and echelons for players of the maximum level.

DOOM Eternal was released March 20 on PC, PS4, Xbox One, and Google Stadia. Yesterday Bethesda Softworks and id Software posted two screenshots the first of two planned story expansions.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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