Installing openmeetings 5.0.0-M1. WEB conferences without Flash

Good afternoon, Dear Khabravchane and Guests of the portal!
Not so long ago, I had a need to raise a small server for video conferencing. Not many options were considered - BBB and Openmeetings, because. only they answered functionally:

  1. Free options
  2. Demonstration of the desktop, documents, etc.
  3. Interactive work with users (general board, chat, etc.)
  4. No additional software installation required for clients

I started with BBB… well, actually it didn’t grow together… The first is the requirement of real hardware, because on the virtual do not guarantee performance; The second is resource intensity. Yes, a good picture and excellent sound, but for my tasks it is not comparable with the consumed resources.
Began to try openmeetings. As a lover of tested by other users and stable releases, I installed the latest stable release 4.0.8 (we will not consider this process here). Everything is fine, except that it is on FLASH. Well, if so, it refused to work in chrome, it went well in fox ... but this contradicts point 4, because not everyone uses FF and not everyone likes it. I already had time to get upset, as I saw that version 5.0.0-M1 was announced without FLASH! This is where it all started. I’ll say right away that it didn’t work out for me to start everything at once, about 2 weeks, 1-2 hours a day, it took me a full launch.
And so, I installed it on ubuntu 18.0.4-LTS. Requirements:

  • JRE 8
  • Kurento Media Server

Let's start with JRE8. By default, 11 is set from the repositories, so we will add it to the repositories, and then we will start installing the version we need:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:webupd8team/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-installer

After installation, you need to set the default version of Java to run:

sudo apt-get install oracle-java8-set-default

check the version

java -version

must issue

java version "1.8.0_201"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_201-b09)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.201-b09, mixed mode)

now it remains to set the home directories.

cat >> /etc/environment <<EOL

Kurento Media server (KMS) is required for normal operation of video/audio streams. There are different options for installing it, I used the Docker option. The process of installing and configuring Docker is not included in this article, since the Internet is full of information. And so, we start KMS

docker run -d --name kms -p 8888:8888 kurento/kurento-media-server:latest

Now let's start installing related components:
MySQL - The OM has a built-in database, but it is not recommended to use it in the combat version. We put any version convenient for you. Suitable from standard repositories.

sudo apt-get install mysql

to connect Java to MySQL you need download connector and put it in the /webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/lib/ folder. The MySQL connection setup is located in the file /webapps/openmeetings/WEB-INF/classes/META-INF/mysql_persistence.xml
Imagemagick - Needed for a common board, demonstration of documents and images. we also take from standard turnips.

sudo apt-get install imagemagick

Ghostscript - if we want to work with pdf, we can't do without it. Repositories are also standard.
OpenOffice or Libre Office - to output all formats of office documents ...
ffmpeg и sox - for the possibility of recording video conferences in different formats. The version must be 10.3 or newer.

sudo apt install ffmpeg
sudo apt-get install sox

Well, now we are ready to download openmeetings itself.
Downloaded, unpacked to the folder we need.
Everything seems to be ready for launch (especially if you follow official instructions), but there is this kind of link https://localhost:5443/openmeetings/install. If you pay attention to https and port 5443, we understand that nothing will work for us. Of course, you can run the ./bin/ script and the server will start up. You can even go to it and configure it via the link http://localhost:5080/openmeetings/install, but that's just not going to work normally. Now all browsers, and especially chrome, are fighting for the safety of the user and work with the camera and microphone is allowed only via https. Through FF, it will be possible to enter and allow the camera to work, but this again ties us to one browser. Therefore, let's move on to installing and configuring SSL. You can make a certificate for money, or you can do it yourself, OM will not work worse from this.
OM version 5.0.0-M1 is based on TomCat, not Apache. The Web server configuration is located in the ./conf/ folder. How to create a self-signed certificate and install it in TomCate I already described.
Well, https is configured, now go to the ./bin folder and run and after starting the server, go to the web installer https://localhost:5443/openmeetings/install. Here everything is already simple and intuitive EXCEPT for the “Converters” section. Here we need to register the paths to our additionally installed packages.

  1. ImageMagick Path /usr/bin
  2. FFMPEG Path /usr/bin
  3. SoX Path /usr/bin
  4. OpenOffice/LibreOffice Path for jodconverter /usr/lib/libreoffice (I installed Libra)

Further settings are again not complicated.
After the first login to the system, it is MANDATORY to go to “Administration” -> “Configuration”, find the item path.ffmpeg and delete the value "/usr/bin" written to it. We save the settings.
Well, actually our videoconferencing server is configured and ready to go.
after restarting the server, you need to run

  1. DBMS database (if you are not using the built-in Derby )
  2. KMS
  3. script

You can manually but you can also create autorun scripts.
To output "out" in the firewall, you must allow ports 5443,5080,8888
Pleasant use!
PS If the camera does not transmit an image and you do not see anyone but yourself, you need to add the domain and port to the exceptions in the firewall. If there is Casper, then it works normally and skips everything (surprisingly!), But Avast and the built-in Windows work hard. will have to hemorrhoid with the settings.


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