Fedora Desktop transition to Btrfs and replacement of vi editor to nano approved

The FESCo (Fedora Engineering Steering Committee), which is responsible for the technical part of the development of the Fedora distribution, approved proposal about the default use of the Btrfs file system in desktop and laptop editions of Fedora. The Committee also approved the translation distribution to use the default nano text editor instead of vi.

The built-in Btrfs partition manager will solve problems with running out of free disk space when mounting the / and / home directories separately. With Btrfs, these partitions can be placed in two subpartitions, mounted separately, but using the same disk space. Btrfs will also allow features such as snapshots, transparent data compression, correct I/O isolation via cgroups2, and on-the-fly resizing of partitions.

The default use of nano instead of vi is driven by a desire to make the distribution more accessible to beginners by providing an editor that can be used by anyone with no specific knowledge of Vi editor methods. At the same time, it is planned to continue to ship the vim-minimal package in the base distribution package (the direct call to vi will remain) and provide the ability to change the default editor to vi or vim at the request of the user. Fedora does not currently set the $EDITOR environment variable, and commands like "git commit" invoke vi by default.

Source: opennet.ru

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