Chrome 90 approves default HTTPS in address bar

Google announced a move in Chrome 90, which is scheduled for release on April 13, to opening websites over HTTPS by default when typing hostnames in the address bar. For example, entering the host "" will default to, and if there are problems opening, it will fall back to Previously, this feature was already activated for a small percentage of Chrome 89 users, and now the experiment is considered successful and ready for widespread implementation.

Recall that, despite a lot of work to promote HTTPS in browsers, when typing a domain in the address bar without specifying a protocol, β€œhttp://” is still used by default. To solve this problem, Firefox 83 introduced an optional "HTTPS Only" mode, in which all requests made without encryption are automatically redirected to secure page variants ("http://" is replaced by "https://"). The replacement is not limited to the address bar and also works for sites explicitly opened by "http://", as well as when loading resources inside the page. If forwarding to https:// ends with a timeout, the user is shown an error page with a button to make a request to "http://".


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