Overwatch Launches Maestro Challenge with Sigma Cosmetics Giveaway

Blizzard Entertainment has announced the launch of a new Maestro Challenge in Overwatch. Until July 27, players can earn a badge, a legendary emote, six unique sprays, and the legendary Sigma “Maestro” skin, for a total of nine new rewards.

Overwatch Launches Maestro Challenge with Sigma Cosmetics Giveaway

"It's time to take the stage! Become the first violinist in the Sigma Symphony Orchestra and earn event-only rewards, including the Legendary Sigma Maestro Skin.

The Quick Play, Competitive Play, and Arcade modes will bring special concert-themed cosmetic items. For every three victories, players will receive, respectively, a badge, a legendary emote, and a new legendary skin "Maestro".

Overwatch Launches Maestro Challenge with Sigma Cosmetics Giveaway

But that's not all. Additional rewards can be obtained by watching streams on Twitch before, after and during matches. Must be in by July 27th to the channels of the broadcastersparticipating in the promotion when they play Overwatch to receive six "Maestro" challenge graffiti.


Overwatch Launches Maestro Challenge with Sigma Cosmetics Giveaway

It should be noted that in order to Twitch drops you must first merge your Blizzard and Twitch accounts. To do this, go to Twitch connections pageto log in and link your account.

Finally, those who wish can immerse themselves in listening to a new collection of Overwatch music called Cities & Countries, which includes musical compositions of Overwatch missions and battlefields located around the world. You can listen to it on one of four platforms: iTunes, Deezer, Spotify и YouTube.

Competitive shooter Overwatch is available on PC, Xbox One, PS4 and Switch.


Source: 3dnews.ru

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