Project hub added to SourceHut collaborative development platform

Drew DeVault, User Environment Author Sway and mail client aerc, объявил on the implementation of a project hub in the joint development platform it develops SourceHut. Developers can now create projects uniting several services, and also view list existing projects and search among them.

The Sourcehut platform is notable for its ability to work fully without JavaScript, high performance and organization of work in the form of mini-services in the Unix style. The functionality of a project in Sourcehut is formed by individual components that can be combined and used separately, for example, just tickets or just code without necessarily linking the repository with tickets. The ability to freely combine resources makes it difficult to determine which resources belong to a project. The Project Hub solves this problem and makes it possible to bring together all project-related information in one place. For example, on one project page you can now place a general description and list the project's repositories, issue tracking sections, documentation, support channels and mailing lists.

For integration with external platforms, an API and a system for connecting web handlers (webhooks) are offered. Additional features in Sourcehut include support for a wiki, a continuous integration system, email-based discussions, tree-viewing of mailing archives, reviewing changes via the Web, adding annotations to code (attaching links and documentation). In addition to Git, there is support for Mercurial. The code is written in Python and Go, and spreads licensed under GPLv3.

It is possible to create public, private and hidden repositories with a flexible access control system that allows you to organize participation in development, including users without local accounts (authentication via OAuth or participation by email). A private issue reporting system is provided to inform and coordinate vulnerability fixes. Emails sent by each service are encrypted and verified using PGP. Two-factor authentication based on one-time TOTP keys is used to log in. To analyze incidents, a detailed audit log is kept.

Built-in continuous integration infrastructure allows
organize performing automated builds in virtual environments on various Linux and BSD systems. Direct transfer of assembly work to CI without placing it in a repository is allowed. The build results are reflected in the interface, sent by email or transmitted via a webhook. To analyze failures, it is possible to connect to assembly environments via SSH.

At the current stage of development, Sourcehut is working substantially faster than competing services, for example, pages with summary information, commit list, change log, code view, issues and file tree open 3-4 times faster than GitHub and GitLab, and 8-10 times faster than Bitbucket. It should be noted that Sourcehut has not yet left the alpha development stage and many planned features are not yet available, for example, there is no web interface for merge requests yet (a merge request is created by creating a ticket and attaching a link to a branch branch in Git to it) . The downside is also a unique interface, not familiar to GitHub and GitLab users, but nevertheless simple and immediately understandable.


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