Rust will no longer support older Linux systems

The developers of the Rust project warned users about the imminent increase in the requirements for the Linux environment in the compiler, the Cargo package manager, and the libstd standard library. Starting with Rust 1.64, scheduled for September 22, 2022, the minimum requirements for Glibc will be raised from version 2.11 to 2.17, and the Linux kernel from 2.6.32 to 3.2. The restrictions also apply to Rust binaries built with libstd.

The distributions RHEL 7, SLES 12-SP5, Debian 8 and Ubuntu 14.04 meet the new requirements. Support for RHEL 6, SLES 11-SP4, Debian and Ubuntu 12.04 will be discontinued. Among the reasons for deprecating support for older Linux systems are limited resources to continue maintaining compatibility with older environments. In particular, support for older Glibcs ​​requires the use of older tools when checking in a continuous integration system, in the face of increased versioning requirements in LLVM and cross-compilation utilities. The increase in kernel version requirements is due to the ability of libstd to use new system calls without the need to maintain layers to ensure compatibility with older kernels.

Users who use Rust-built executables in environments with older Linux kernels are encouraged to upgrade their systems, stay on older compiler releases, or maintain their own libstd fork with layers to maintain compatibility.


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