Steam releases 3dSen emulator that converts NES game graphics to 3D

Geod Studio has released the 3dSen emulator on Steam. About it сообщаСтся on the app page in the store. This is a commercial emulator that can run dozens of NES games with 3D graphics.

Steam releases 3dSen emulator that converts NES game graphics to 3D

Unlike conventional emulators, the developers have configured 3dSen specifically to convert sprites from 70 official NES games from 2D to 3D with additional visual processing. If desired, you can run projects in classic 2D. According to the description, it supports split-screen co-op and Remote Play Together.

3dSen will cost users 259 rubles, but now it has a 10% discount. Games are not included with the application, so all launch images must be downloaded separately.

This is not the only application from Geod Studio for NES games: in the summer of 2019, the team produced a similar offer for VR helmets. The project received very positive ratings on Steam based on 68 reviews.


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