Windows 10 found a bug that was still in Windows XP

The latest version of Windows 10, version 1909, has a problem that dates back to the days of Windows XP. The fact is that the context menu of some programs, like the Pidgin messenger, was partially covered by the taskbar. Because of this, some items are not available.

Windows 10 found a bug that was still in Windows XP

It is noted that the problem was resolved in the Windows 10 April 2018 Update, however, in the current version of Windows 10 November 2019 Update, it reappeared, although this only happens with some programs and is not predictable.

Apparently, the problem is not tied to the application, but lies in the system itself. The fact is that the taskbar is drawn on top of all windows and interface elements. Obviously, erroneous rendering occurs in some cases.

At the moment, it is not specified whether Redmond plans to release a patch that fixes the problem. It is also unclear why it was not implemented into the kernel at the design stage.

Of course, this is far from the only problem of the "ten", but rather unpleasant, given that she is already two decades old.


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