Valve: Half-Life: Alyx became a prequel, since the third part cannot be aimed at a small audience

In an interview with EDGE magazine, level designer Dario Casali and designer Greg Coomer from Valve explained why the studio decided to release the Half-Life 2: Episode Two prequel as a VR exclusive, and not a full-fledged third part. According to the developers, they took on the creation of Alyx, since the continuation of the franchise cannot be aimed at a small audience of owners of virtual reality headsets.

Valve: Half-Life: Alyx became a prequel, since the third part cannot be aimed at a small audience

How to transfer a resource Wccftech Citing a source, Dario Casali said, "There was a reason why we decided to do a prequel. Everyone understood that the audience for VR was limited, and the team understood that this game was not Half-Life 3. We didn't want to release a product that many HL fans couldn't get, with a story that would be beyond the scope of the second part. People without VR headsets will then start asking why they were left overboard.”

Valve: Half-Life: Alyx became a prequel, since the third part cannot be aimed at a small audience

Level designer Greg Coomer added: β€œIt was kind of difficult to release a project that, in terms of hardware, is not available to a lot of people who want to try it out. We argued about the decision and continue to do so in our work. We don't have a goal of only releasing Half-Life games to a relatively small audience."

The above hints that a full-fledged third part of the franchise will not be a VR-exclusive. After the success of Alyx, Valve will certainly take on the creation of Half-Life 3, but official statements on this have not yet been received.


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