Slurm Night School by Kubernetes

On April 7, “Slurm Evening School: A Basic Kubernetes Course” starts - free webinars on theory and paid practice. The course is designed for 4 months, 1 theoretical webinar and 1 practical session per week (+ stands for self-study).

The first introductory webinar of Slurm Night School will take place on April 7 at 20:00. Participation, as in the entire theoretical cycle, is free.

Registration for participation at the link:

The program of the course:

1 Week

April 7: What will Kubernetes and its study on Slurm give you?

2 Week

April 13: What is Docker. Basic cli commands, image, Dockerfile.
April 14: Docker-compose, Using Docker in CI/CD. Best practices for running applications in Docker.
April 16: Debriefing

3 Week

April 21: Introduction to Kubernetes, basic abstractions. Description, application, concepts. Pod, ReplicaSet, Deployment.
April 23: Analysis of practice.

4 Week

April 28: Kubernetes: Service, Ingress, PV, PVC, ConfigMap, Secret.
April 30: Analysis of practice.

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5 Week

May 11: Cluster device, main components and their interaction.
May 12: How to make a k8s cluster failover. How the network works in k8s.
May 14: Analysis of practice.

6 Week

May 19: Kubespray, tuning and configuring a Kubernetes cluster.
May 21: Analysis of practice.

7 Week

May 25: Advanced Kubernetes abstractions. DaemonSet, StatefulSet, RBAC.
May 26: Kubernetes: Job, CronJob, Pod Scheduling, InitContainer.
May 28: Debriefing

8 Week

2 June
How DNS works in a Kubernetes cluster. How to publish an application in k8s, how to publish and manage traffic.
June 4: Analysis of practice.

9 Week

June 9: What is Helm and why is it needed. Working with Helms. The composition of the chart. Writing your own charts.
June 11: Analysis of practice.

10 Week

June 16: Ceph: do-it-yourself installation. Ceph, cluster installation. Connecting volumes to sc, pvc, pv pods.
June 18: Analysis of practice.

11 Week

June 23: Installation of cert-manager. Сert-manager: automatically obtain SSL/TLS certificates - 1 c.
June 25: Analysis of practice.

12 Week

June 29: Maintenance of the Kubernetes cluster, routine maintenance. Version update.
June 30: Troubleshooting Kubernetes.
July 2: Analysis of practice.

13 Week

July 7: Setting up Kubernetes monitoring. Basic principles. Prometheus, Grafana.
July 9: Analysis of practice.

14 Week

July 14: Logging into Kubernetes. Collection and analysis of logs.
July 16: Analysis of practice.

15 Week

July 21: Requirements for developing an application in Kubernetes.
July 23: Analysis of practice.

16 Week

July 28: Application dockerization and CI/CD in Kubernetes.
July 30: Analysis of practice.

17 Week

August 4: Observability - principles and techniques for observing a system.
August 6: Analysis of practice.

18 Week

August 11, 13: Certification of those who completed the practical course.

Aug. Sept

Graduate work.

STAGE 1: Dockerize the sample application with stateful data.
STAGE 2: Raise the cluster from scratch, install helm, cert-manager, ingress-controller.
STEP 3: Install Gitlab, enable Registry, and set up a full CI/CD dockerized application on a Kubernetes cluster.

Southbridge, which conducts the course, is a member of CNCF and is the only Kubernetes Training Provider in Russia. (

PS You can join the course throughout April.


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