Video: 24 minutes of multiplayer combat in COD: Modern Warfare in 4K from the developers

Even weeks later after the official show The multiplayer component of the upcoming relaunch of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, developers from Infinity Ward are still releasing gameplay snippets. This time, the total length of the published video is 24 minutes - recorded on the PlayStation 4 Pro in 4K at 60 frames per second:

Despite the mass of videos published over the past couple of weeks, this video is of excellent quality and informative. It includes a demonstration of five modes, including "Headquarters", "Domination", "Cyber ​​Attack" and "Team Deathmatch". In addition, the developers showcase 5 maps, including Azhirska cave (in night and day versions), Gunsmith, Hackney Yard and Ania Palace.

Video: 24 minutes of multiplayer combat in COD: Modern Warfare in 4K from the developers

Of course, there is nothing radically new in the video compared to what was shown earlier, but fans of intense fights are always pleased to take a look at the new gameplay. Journalists who had the opportunity to get acquainted with the multiplayer of the upcoming shooter were generally satisfied with the innovations.

Video: 24 minutes of multiplayer combat in COD: Modern Warfare in 4K from the developers

Recall that testing of the game will begin in September. From September 12 to 13, PS4 users who pre-order will be able to access it; From 14 to 16 September there will be an open test for all PS4 owners; From September 19 to September 20, testing will take place for Xbox One and PC players who have pre-ordered. Finally, from September 21 to 23, there will be an open test on all platforms.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare will release on October 25, 2019 for PS4, Xbox One and PC.

Video: 24 minutes of multiplayer combat in COD: Modern Warfare in 4K from the developers


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