Video: BioShock, AC: Brotherhood and other games look new thanks to ray tracing

Zetman's YouTube channel has several videos showing Alien: Isolation, Bioshock Remastered, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Nier: Automata, and Dragon Age Origins using Reshade fashion from a graphics programmer Pascal Gilcher. This mod allows you to add real-time ray tracing effects to older games using post-processing.

Video: BioShock, AC: Brotherhood and other games look new thanks to ray tracing

It should be understood that this solution based on ray tracing or path tracing is not as accurate as full integration with DirectX Raytracing, but it is nevertheless a great way to change the visuals in already released games.

For example, in the close environment of Alien: Isolation, the use of such effects can significantly improve the atmosphere. I wonder what Doom 3 would look like with this kind of lighting? Based on the results achieved with Alien: Isolation, id Software's spooky shooter would benefit greatly from Reshade.

Bioshock Remastered also looks better thanks to the use of ray tracing through Reshade. Unfortunately, Zetman may have applied some wrong settings, resulting in an abundance of noise during movement. In all other applications of Reshade, there were no stray noises.

Last but not least, Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood, Nier: Automata, and Dragon Age Origins also look substantially better with the Reshade mod. These ray tracing and path tracing effects can really breathe new life into old games with mediocre or outdated lighting systems.

It is worth noting that Zetman used the popular NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 accelerator, which is not powerful enough to process ray tracing effects and does not have the appropriate hardware blocks. More modern GPUs will definitely be able to run these games more smoothly.


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