Video: Overwatch Legendary Skin Honors Pro Player for the First Time

South Korean professional Overwatch player Bang Sunghyeon, better known by his stage name JJonak, will be getting his own legendary skin. He is a member of the New York Excelsior and was named the Most Valuable Player in the Overwatch Esports League last year. Now the developers have paid tribute to him by creating a unique skin for the omnic monk Zenyatta, a popular among players and quite a dangerous support hero.

Bang Sang-Hyun and his team were invited to Blizzard Entertainment HQ to meet the developers and get a first look at the new legendary skin. Also, the players were given a concept sketch, on the basis of which the character model was created. This is the subject of this short documentary.

Video: Overwatch Legendary Skin Honors Pro Player for the First Time

Zenyatta's appearance is largely inspired by the octopus (San-Hyun's favorite animal). Monk robot got the head of this marine predator, and is also painted in the colors of the team. The balls with which the hero heals allies or attacks enemies are also replaced by small octopuses. The sci-fi design was done by concept artist David Kang, who aimed to keep the look different from the existing "Cultist" look. The tentacles of the animal move following the movements of the character's head, but even at rest they also constantly fluctuate, creating a certain dynamics. Here's what it looks like in game:

Video: Overwatch Legendary Skin Honors Pro Player for the First Time

The legendary Zenyatta Skin will be available in Overwtch for a limited time. Between June 27 and July 14, players will be able to get it for 200 tokens (approximately $10).

Video: Overwatch Legendary Skin Honors Pro Player for the First Time


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