Video: learn about the world and battles of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore in the latest trailers for the game by the authors of Persona

Nintendo has published lengthy trailers for the re-release of the Japanese role-playing game Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE for Nintendo Switch, in which she talked about the world and battles.

Video: learn about the world and battles of Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore in the latest trailers for the game by the authors of Persona

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE was developed by the creators of the Persona series. This is a crossover of Atlus games and the Fire Emblem series. The project takes place in modern Tokyo, which was attacked by creatures from an otherworldly dimension. The project took gameplay elements from Persona and Fire Emblem characters as local personas - powerful assistants in battle.

The protagonist and his friends, rising stars, must call upon their own creative powers to wage a secret war against the spirits. The game often features references to various fandoms, dungeons in the style of the entertainment industry, and musical performances. On Nintendo Switch, the release will be called Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore. It will offer new music composition and story elements.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE Encore will be released on January 17, 2020.


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