VK launches development of its own open source game engine

The director of the VK company announced the launch of the development of its own open source game engine, in which it is planned to invest 1 billion rubles. The first beta version of the engine is expected in 2024, after which the process of finalizing and adapting the platform, as well as creating server solutions, will begin. A full release is planned for 2025. Details about the project have not yet been specified.

Addition: At least 100 employees (programmers, artists, etc.) will be involved in the work on the basic version. The engine will allow you to create any type of game and support different operating systems, including mobile platforms and game consoles. At the current stage, VK is busy building a team, developing the core, basic engine systems and tools. The engine will be created on the basis of open source and will be free for developers.

Source: opennet.ru

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