“It’s unlikely that we will work together again”: DOOM Eternal composer about his participation in the future of the series

Reddit user alias MedicalMilk posted a screenshot correspondence with the composer DOOM Eternal Mick Gordon, which implies that someone else may be responsible for music for DOOM in the future.

“It’s unlikely that we will work together again”: DOOM Eternal composer about his participation in the future of the series

When asked by MedicalMilk if Gordon would agree to contribute to the soundtrack for the next installment of id Software's acclaimed shooter series, the composer grimly replied, "It's unlikely we'll work together again."

According to another Reddit user, this situation is explained by the fact that Gordon had a conflict with the director of DOOM Eternal Hugo Martin (Hugo Martin). Creative or personal nature, not specified.

“It’s unlikely that we will work together again”: DOOM Eternal composer about his participation in the future of the series

The situation around the DOOM Eternal soundtrack, which last weekend became available owners of the collector's edition of the game.

As some Twitter users have pointed out, the quality of many songs on the album leaves much to be desired. As it turned out, the note of most of Gordon's tracks is actually relationship and had no.

“It’s unlikely that we will work together again”: DOOM Eternal composer about his participation in the future of the series

Recall that in addition to DOOM Eternal, the following Bethesda Softworks games received the soundtrack by Mick Gordon: DOOM (2016), Preys (2017) and the revived Wolfenstein - The New Order, The Old Blood и The New Colossus.

On unknown reasons The DOOM Eternal album didn't make it in time for the release of the game itself on March 20th. As a token of compensation, Bethesda Softworks gave all Collector's Edition purchasers a "Ultra High Quality" digital version of the DOOM (2016) soundtrack.

Source: 3dnews.ru

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