Meeting for Java developers: talking about asynchronous microservices and the experience of creating a large build system on Gradle

DINS IT Evening, an open platform that brings together technical experts in the areas of Java, DevOps, QA and JS, will hold a meeting for Java developers on June 26 at 19:30 at Staro-Petergofsky Prospekt, 19 (St. Petersburg). The meeting will feature two presentations:

"Asynchronous Microservices - Vert.x or Spring?" (Alexander Fedorov, TextBack)

Alexander will talk about the TextBack service, how they migrate from Vert.x to Spring, what difficulties they encounter and how they survive. And also, about what else you can do in the asynchronous world. The report will be of interest to those who want to start working with asynchronous services and choose a framework for this.

Advanced Gradle Build (Nikita Tukkel, Genestack)

Nikita will describe solutions to specific problems that are common for large and super-large builds. The report will be of interest to those who are concerned about the problems of building an effective build system in a project, the number of modules in which confidently exceeds a hundred. The report contains very little information about the basics of Gradle, some of its parts may not be clear to those who are not at all familiar with Gradle.

After the reports, we will continue to communicate with the speakers and refresh ourselves with pizza. The event will last until 22.00. Pre-registration is required.


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