Meeting for Java developers: how to solve throttling problems using Token Bucket and why a Java developer needs financial mathematics

Meeting for Java developers: how to solve throttling problems using Token Bucket and why a Java developer needs financial mathematics

DINS IT EVENING, an open platform that brings together technical experts in Java, DevOps, QA and JS, will hold an online meeting for Java developers on July 22 at 19:00. The meeting will feature two presentations:

19:00-20:00 β€” Solving throttling problems using the Token Bucket algorithm (Vladimir Bukhtoyarov, DINS)

Vladimir will analyze examples of typical errors in the implementation of throttling and give an overview of the Token Bucket algorithm. You will learn how to write a Lock-Free Token Bucket implementation in Java and a distributed algorithm implementation using Apache Ignite.
No special knowledge is required, the report will be of interest to Java developers of any level.

20:00-20:30 β€” Why does a Java developer need financial mathematics (Dmitry Yanter, Deutsche Bank Technology Center)

For the past 5 years, the Deutsche Bank Technology Center has hosted developer sessions. They are about financial products and the mathematical models behind them.
Matrices, numerical methods, differential equations and stochastic processes are areas of higher mathematics that are actively used in investment and corporate banking. Dmitry will tell you why a Java developer needs to have an idea about financial mathematics, and whether it is possible to start working in fintech if you don’t know anything about markets and derivatives.
The report will be useful for developers, QA, analysts or managers who have studied higher mathematics with interest, but do not know how it is applied when creating IT solutions for global financial institutions.

Both speakers will answer your questions. Participation is free, but registration is required.


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