Everything for victory: Omron sends industrial robots to fight coronavirus

The coronavirus pandemic has spurred the automation of manufacturing processes as people had to be excluded from them for safety reasons. In a short time, it was possible to adapt robots to work in medical institutions mainly for logistics operations, but the Japanese company Omron entrusted them with disinfection of premises.

Everything for victory: Omron sends industrial robots to fight coronavirus

Important from the point of view of protecting people from coronavirus, the operation to disinfect premises puts participants in such manipulations at risk. As noted Nikkei Asian Review, the Japanese company Omron managed to quickly launch the production of robots suitable for spraying disinfectants and treating surfaces with ultraviolet radiation.

It was based on industrial robots that were used to move tools and components in factories. Robots are equipped with specialized equipment for disinfection at the enterprises of Omron partners located in more than ten countries around the world. The price range for finished products is from $56 to $000 per robot.

Omron's basic transportation robots are capable of scanning space using what's called a lidar, an optical sensor that uses laser light to determine the distance to objects. By forming a three-dimensional map of space, robots avoid collisions with surrounding objects and people, and also calculate the optimal trajectory of movement.

Several robots can be connected to one control center. Automated installations not only do not require protective suits, goggles, masks and gloves, but can also work around the clock, which allows you to increase the frequency of disinfection of premises.


Source: 3dnews.ru

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