Android 14 Second Preview

Google has introduced the second test version of the open mobile platform Android 14. Android 14 is expected to be released in the third quarter of 2023. To evaluate the new features of the platform, a preliminary testing program has been proposed. Firmware builds are prepared for Pixel 7/7 Pro, Pixel 6/6a/6 Pro, Pixel 5/5a 5G, and Pixel 4a (5G) devices.

Changes in Android 14 Developer Preview 2 since the first preview:

  • We continued to improve the work of the platform on tablets and devices with folding screens. Libraries are provided that provide prediction of pointer movement events and low latency when working with styluses. UI templates are provided for large screens, considering applications such as social networking, communications, multimedia content, reading and shopping.
  • In the dialog for confirming the permissions of applications to access multimedia files, it became possible to grant access not to all, but only to selected photos or videos.
    Android 14 Second Preview
  • A section has been added to the configurator to override regional preference settings, such as temperature units, the first day of the week, and the number system. For example, a European living in the US might set it to display temperatures in Celsius instead of Fahrenheit, and consider Monday as the start of the week instead of Sunday.
    Android 14 Second Preview
  • Continued development of Credential Manager and its associated API, which allows applications to log in using the credentials of external authentication providers. Both login using passwords and passwordless login methods (Passkeys, biometric authentication) are supported. Improved interface for selecting an account.
  • A separate permission has been added to allow applications to start actions when the application is in the background. Activation while in the background is limited so as not to distract the user while working with the current application. Active applications are given more control over how actions are triggered by other applications they interact with.
  • The memory management system has been optimized to more rationally allocate resources to applications running in the background. A few seconds after the application enters the cached state, background work is limited to working with APIs that manage the application's lifecycle, such as the Foreground Services API, JobScheduler, and WorkManager.
  • Notifications marked with the FLAG_ONGOING_EVENT flag can now be dismissed when displayed on a device with the screen unlocked. If the device is in screen lock mode, such notifications will remain undismissed. Notifications that are important for the functioning of the system will also remain non-rejected.
  • New methods have been added to the PackageInstaller API: requestUserPreapproval(), which allows the application catalog to delay downloading APK packages until it receives installation confirmation from the user; setRequestUpdateOwnership(), which allows you to assign future application updates to the installer; setDontKillApp(), which allows you to set additional features for the application while working with the program. The InstallConstraints API provides installers with the ability to trigger an app update installation when the app is not in use.


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