The second GreedFall developer video diary talks about role-playing mechanics

Not long ago, the publisher Focus Home Interactive and developers from Spiders release date announced their role-playing game GreedFall, after which they launched a documentary mini-series designed to talk about the approach to creating the project. The first episode covered the creative process, the team's inspirations, and the ideas that gave birth to the world of GreedFall, while the second explores how the creators incorporated the DNA of a classic RPG into their project, inspired by the baroque style of XNUMXth-century Europe.

The creators emphasize: GreedFall is in every sense a full-fledged role-playing game, where the choices that the characters make play a very important role. Each action has its consequences and affects the development of the story. The same can be said about the main character: whether it will be a man or a woman, what equipment the character will have, social skills, spells - all this will affect the approaches to completing tasks. By the way, the possibilities for customizing the character, including his appearance, promise to be very wide.

The second GreedFall developer video diary talks about role-playing mechanics

There will also be many different factions and characters in GreedFall, each and every one of which will have their own goals, interests and philosophies. The player will be able to learn the secrets of rulers and factions so that, if desired, they can be used in their own whole. In addition, each companion will have his own opinion about what is happening, so if you take the wrong person with you on a mission, you can get very disastrous and far-reaching consequences.

The second GreedFall developer video diary talks about role-playing mechanics

The developers have provided an extensive skill tree with a number of specializations that significantly influence the style of play. And thanks to a carefully designed system for manufacturing weapons, armor and equipment, players will be able to dress their hero in what they want. Each element of the weapon can be changed in appearance and characteristics, selecting the desired set from the styles of different factions. Handles, hilts, pommels, shoulder pads - the appearance of all these elements can be customized.

The second GreedFall developer video diary talks about role-playing mechanics

Let's remember: GreedFall will be released on PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC on September 10. The developers from the Spiders studio are known for The Technomancer ΠΈ Bound by Flame. Those interested can already place a pre-order - for example, on Steam game builds β‚½1699.

The second GreedFall developer video diary talks about role-playing mechanics


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