NixOS 20.09 "Nightingale" Released

NixOS 20.09 "Nightingale" Released

NixOS is a purely functional Linux distribution that draws inspiration from functional programming. It is based on the Nixpkgs package manager, which makes the system configuration declarative, reproducible, atomic and etc.. NixOS is known as the most modern distribution and is one of the top three in terms of total number of packages.

In addition to 7349 new, 14442 updated and 8181 removed packages, this release has the following changes:

Desktop environments:

  • plasma5: 5.17.5 -> 5.18.5
  • kdeApplications: 19.12.3 -> 20.08.1
  • gnome3: 3.34 -> 3.36
  • cinnamon: 4.6
  • NixOS now distributes GNOME ISO

System core:

  • gcc: 9.2.0 -> 9.3.0
  • glibc: 2.30 -> 2.31
  • linux: default is still 5.4.x, but all supported kernels are available
  • mesa: 19.3.5 -> 20.1.7

Programming languages ​​and frameworks:

  • Agda ecosystem has been heavily redesigned
  • PHP 7.4 is now the default, PHP 7.2 is no longer supported
  • Python 3 now uses Python 3.8 by default, Python 3.5 has been removed from the list of available packages

Databases and service monitoring:

  • MariaDB updated to 10.4, MariaDB Galera to 26.4.
  • Zabbix is ​​now 5.0 by default

You can download NixOS from:
