Pale Moon Browser 32 Release

The release of the Pale Moon 32 web browser has been published, which forked from the Firefox codebase to provide higher performance, preserve the classic interface, minimize memory consumption and provide additional customization options. Pale Moon builds are generated for Windows and Linux (x86_64). The project code is distributed under the MPLv2 (Mozilla Public License).

The project adheres to the classical organization of the interface, without switching to the Australis and Photon interfaces integrated in Firefox 29 and 57, and with the provision of extensive customization options. Removed components include DRM, Social API, WebRTC, PDF viewer, Crash Reporter, statistics collection code, parental controls, and people with disabilities. Compared to Firefox, XUL technology has been returned to the browser and the ability to use both full-fledged and lightweight themes has been retained.

Pale Moon Browser 32 Release

In the new version:

  • Work has been done to resolve compatibility issues. Implemented full coverage of the ECMAScript specifications released in 2016-2020, with the exception of BigInt support.
  • Support for animation and progressive decoding (show as you load) has been added to the JPEG-XL image format implementation. Updated JPEG-XL and Highway libraries.
  • Extended regular expression engine. Support for named captures has been added to regular expressions, escape sequences of Unicode character classes have been implemented (for example, \p{Math} - mathematical symbols), the implementation of the β€œlookbehind” (referring back) and β€œlookaround” modes (checking the environment) has been redesigned ).
  • The offset-* CSS properties have been renamed to inset-* to comply with the requirements of the specification. CSS fixes issues with inheritance and padding around an element. The code was cleaned up with the implementation of unused prefixed CSS properties.
  • Fixed a memory exhaustion issue when processing very high resolution animated images.
  • Added support for alternative linkers when building on Unix-like systems.
  • Work on the formation of official builds for macOS and FreeBSD is nearing completion (beta builds are already available).


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