CentOS Linux 8.4 release (2105)

The release of the distribution kit CentOS 2105 is presented, which has absorbed the changes from Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.4. The distribution is fully binary compatible with RHEL 8.4. CentOS 2105 builds are prepared (8 GB DVD and 605 MB netboot) for x86_64, Aarch64 (ARM64), and ppc64le architectures. The SRPMS packages from which the binaries are built and debuginfo are available through vault.centos.org.

In addition to the new features introduced in RHEL 8.4, CentOS 2105 changes the contents of 34 packages, including anaconda, dhcp, firefox, grub2, httpd, kernel, PackageKit, and yum. The changes made to the packs, as a rule, come down to rebranding and replacing the artwork. Removed RHEL-specific packages such as redhat-*, insights-client and subscription-manager-migration*.

As in RHEL 8.4, additional AppStream modules have been formed for CentOS 8.4 with new versions of Python 3.9, SWIG 4.0, Subversion 1.14, Redis 6, PostgreSQL 13, MariaDB 10.5, LLVM Toolset 11.0.0, Rust Toolset 1.49.0 and Go Toolset 1.15.7. XNUMX. Bootable iso images fixed an issue that caused the user to manually enter a mirror URL to download packages. In the new release, the installer now chooses the closest mirror to the user.

In the continuously updated edition of the CentOS Stream distribution, which will replace the classic CentOS 8 at the end of the year, the ability to roll back to previous versions of the package using the β€œdnf downgrade” command is implemented if there are several versions of the same application in the repository. Continued development of capabilities for migration from CentOS 8 to CentOS Stream. Work has been done to unify the names of repositories (repoid), which are reduced to lower case (for example, the name "AppStream" is replaced by "appstream"). To switch to CentOS Stream, it is enough to change the names of some files in the /etc/yum.repos.d directory, update repoid and correct the use of the "--enablerepo" and "--disablerepo" flags in your scripts.

Known Issues:

  • When installing in VirtualBox, you should select the "Server with a GUI" mode and use VirtualBox not older than 6.1, 6.0.14 or 5.2.34;
  • RHEL 8 has dropped support for some hardware devices that may still be relevant. The solution may be to use the centosplus kernel and iso images prepared by the ELRepo project with additional drivers;
  • The automatic procedure for adding AppStream-Repo does not work when using boot.iso and installing over NFS;
  • PackageKit cannot define local DNF/YUM variables.

Recall that as alternatives to the classic CentOS 8, VzLinux (prepared by Virtuozzo), AlmaLinux (developed by CloudLinux, together with the community), Rocky Linux (developed by the community under the guidance of the founder of CentOS with the support of a specially created company Ctrl IQ) and Oracle Linux are positioned. In addition, Red Hat has made RHEL available free of charge to open source organizations and individual developer environments of up to 16 virtual or physical systems.

Source: opennet.ru

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