Chrome OS Release 84

Took place operating system release Chrome OS 84based on the Linux kernel, the upstart system manager, the ebuild/portage build tool, open components, and a web browser Chrome 84. The Chrome OS user environment is limited to a web browser, and instead of standard programs, web applications are involved, however, Chrome OS includes includes a full-fledged multi-window interface, desktop and taskbar. Chrome OS 84 build available for most current models Chromebook. Enthusiasts formed unofficial builds for regular computers with x86, x86_64 and ARM processors. The original texts extend under the free Apache 2.0 license.

All changes Π² Chrome OS 84:

  • Included is the new Explore application, which has replaced the Get Help program. The program is designed to work with the built-in help system (it can work in the absence of a network connection) and obtain information about the device.
  • Added the ability to use the volume buttons to take photos with the built-in camera or control video recording when the device is in tablet mode.
  • The ability to save video recorded from the built-in camera in MP4 (H.264) format has been implemented, which makes it easier to open the captured video in other applications.
  • In overview mode, it became possible to quickly split the screen by moving the window to the left or right edge. When multiple displays are connected to a device, windows can now be freely moved between screens in overview mode.
  • Environment for running Linux applications Crostini added the ability to provide access to the microphone. Access control is performed in the "Settings for Linux (Beta)" section of the settings. By default, access to the microphone is disabled.
  • Provided the ability to resize the on-screen keyboard by moving any of its edges.
  • The ChromeVox screen reader now supports search to quickly navigate to supported commands, options, and modes.


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