Chrome OS Release 98

A release of the Chrome OS 98 operating system based on the Linux kernel, the upstart system manager, the ebuild / portage assembly tool, open components and the Chrome 98 web browser is available. The Chrome OS user environment is limited to a web browser, and web applications are used instead of standard programs, however, Chrome OS includes a full multi-window interface, desktop and taskbar. The Chrome OS 98 build is available for most current Chromebook models. Enthusiasts have formed unofficial builds for regular computers with x86, x86_64 and ARM processors. The source texts are distributed under the Apache 2.0 free license.

Key changes in Chrome OS 98:

  • Added new keyboard shortcuts for quick switching between virtual desktops - "Shift + Search + N", where N is the number of the desktop.
  • Added "Save" button to screen capture settings to save screenshots or screencasts to any local directory or Google Drive.
  • Added Network Based Recovery (NBR) mode, which allows you to install a new version of Chrome OS and update the firmware in case of system damage and inability to boot.
  • Addressed Chrome OS-specific vulnerabilities, including use-after-free vulnerabilities in the print output system, Sharesheet and Exo, as well as a buffer overflow in the taskbar (Shelf).


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