4MLinux 32.0 distribution release

Published issue 4MLinux 32.0, a minimalistic custom distribution that is not a fork from other projects and uses a JWM-based graphical environment. 4MLinux can be used not only as a Live environment for playing multimedia files and solving user tasks, but also as a disaster recovery system and a platform for running LAMP servers (Linux, Apache, MariaDB and PHP). Size iso image is 830 MB (i686, x86_64).

The new release introduces support for AV1 video decoding (via FFmpeg's dav1d). In the file manager
PCManFM implemented the ability to create thumbnails for videos and documents in PS and PDF formats. The editors included are SciTE, GNU nano and mg (MicroGnuEmacs). Vim (with gVim) is offered as a downloadable add-on. Updated package versions, including Linux kernel 5.4, Mesa 19.3.0, Wine 5.2, LibreOffice, AbiWord 3.0.4, GIMP 2.10.18, Gnumeric 1.12.46, DropBox 91.4.548, Firefox 73.0.1 , Chromium 79.0.3945.130, Thunderbird 68.5.0, Audacious 3.10.1, VLC 3.0.8, mpv 0.30.0, Apache httpd 2.4.41, MariaDB 10.4.12, PHP 5.6.40, PHP 7.3.14, Perl 5.30.1, Python 3.7.5.

4MLinux 32.0 distribution release

Source: opennet.ru

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