ArchLabs distribution release 2023.01.20

ArchLabs Linux distribution 2023.01.20 released, based on the Arch Linux package base and delivered with a lightweight user environment based on the Openbox window manager (i3, Bspwm, Awesome, JWM, dk, dwm, Fluxbox, Xfce, Deepin, GNOME, Cinnamon, Sway). For the organization of a stationary installation, the ABIF installer is offered. The base package includes applications such as Thunar, Termite, Geany, Firefox, Audacious, MPV and Skippy-XD. The size of the installation iso-image is 1 GB.

In the new version, the ability to install the dwm window manager has been returned to the installer. Improved work in Live mode. By default, booting into installation mode is provided, and not into a Live session, which now needs to be launched separately (you can run the startx command). Packages have been updated and improvements have been made to the installer. The set of icons has been updated and the theme has been improved.

ArchLabs distribution release 2023.01.20
ArchLabs distribution release 2023.01.20


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