Release of Nitrux 2.7 distribution with NX Desktop and Maui Shell user environments

The release of the Nitrux 2.7.0 distribution kit, built on the Debian package base, KDE technologies and the OpenRC initialization system, has been published. The project offers its own desktop NX Desktop, which is an add-on to KDE Plasma, as well as a separate Maui Shell environment. Based on the Maui library for the distribution, a set of typical user applications is developed that can be used on both desktop systems and mobile devices. To install additional applications, the AppImages self-contained package system is being promoted. The size of the full boot image is 3.2 GB (NX Desktop) and 2.6 GB (Maui Shell). The developments of the project are distributed under free licenses.

The NX Desktop offers a different styling, its own implementation of the system tray, notification center and various plasmoids, such as a network connection configurator and a multimedia applet for volume control and media playback control. Applications built using the MauiKit framework include Index file manager (Dolphin can also be used), Note text editor, Station terminal emulator, VVave music player, Clip video player, NX Software Center, and Pix image viewer.

Release of Nitrux 2.7 distribution with NX Desktop and Maui Shell user environments

The user environment of Maui Shell is evolving in accordance with the concept of "Convergence", meaning the ability to work with the same applications on the touch screens of a smartphone and tablet, as well as on large screens of laptops and PCs. Maui Shell automatically adapts to the screen size and available input methods, and can be used not only on desktop systems, but also on smartphones and tablets. The project code is written in C++ and QML and distributed under the LGPL 3.0 license.

Release of Nitrux 2.7 distribution with NX Desktop and Maui Shell user environments

Maui Shell uses the MauiKit GUI components and the Kirigami framework developed by the KDE community. Kirigami is built on top of Qt Quick Controls 2, while MauiKit provides pre-built UI templates that allow you to create applications very quickly. The project also uses components such as BlueDevil (Bluetooth management), Plasma-nm (network connection management), KIO, PowerDevil (power management), KSolid and PulseAudio.

The output of information is provided using its composite manager Zpace, which is responsible for displaying and placing windows and processing virtual desktops. The Wayland protocol is used as the main protocol, which is handled using the Qt Wayland Compositor API. On top of Zpace, a Cask shell is executed, which implements a container that covers all the contents of the screen, and also provides basic implementations of such elements as the top panel, pop-up dialogs, screen maps, notification areas, dock-panel, shortcuts, program call interface, etc.

The same skin can be used for desktops, smartphones and tablets without having to create separate versions for devices with different form factors. When working on conventional monitors, the shell functions in desktop mode, with a panel fixed on top, the ability to open an arbitrary number of windows and control with the mouse. When equipped with a touch screen, the shell operates in tablet mode with vertical layout and opening windows in full screen or side-by-side layout similar to tiled window managers. On smartphones, panel elements and applications expand to full screen, as in traditional mobile platforms.

The main innovations of Nitrux 2.7:

  • The formation of a separate ISO image with the Maui Shell has begun. Updated versions of MauiKit 2.2.2, MauiKit Frameworks 2.2.2, Maui Apps 2.2.2 and Maui Shell 0.6.0. The assembly is still positioned to demonstrate the capabilities of the new shell and available applications. The program includes Agenda, Arca, Bonsai, Booth, Buho, Clip, Communicator, Fiery, Index, Maui Manager, Nota, Pix, Shelf, Station, Strike and VVave.
  • NX Desktop components have been updated to KDE Plasma 5.27.2, KDE Frameworks 5.103.0 and KDE Gear (KDE Applications) 22.12.3. Updated software versions including Mesa 23.1-git, Firefox 110.0.1 and NVIDIA drivers 525.89.02.
  • By default, the Linux 6.1.15 kernel with Liquorix patches is used.
  • The composition includes packages with OpenVPN and open-iscsi.
  • Removed executable files with package management utilities from the Live image (the Calamares installer can install the system and them, and they are superfluous in a static Live image).
  • NX Software Center has been rebuilt using MauiKit.


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