Release of DXVK 1.10.3, Direct3D 9/10/11 implementations on top of the Vulkan API

The release of the DXVK 1.10.3 layer is available, providing an implementation of DXGI (DirectX Graphics Infrastructure), Direct3D 9, 10 and 11, working through call translation to the Vulkan API. DXVK requires drivers that support the Vulkan 1.1 API, such as Mesa RADV 22.0, NVIDIA 510.47.03, Intel ANV 22.0, and AMDVLK. DXVK can be used to run 3D applications and games on Linux using Wine, serving as a higher performance alternative to Wine's built-in Direct3D 9/10/11 implementations running on top of OpenGL.

Major changes:

  • Added support for shared ID3D11Fence objects, implemented on top of shared Vulkan timeline semaphores (Timeline semaphore), providing a single primitive for synchronization between device and host, instead of separate VkFence and VkSemaphore primitives. Support for ID3D11Fence made it possible to achieve video work in the game Halo Infinite with the appropriate patches for wine and vkd3d-proton.
  • Fixed a regression in DXVK 1.10.2 that was causing rendering crashes in various D3D11 games, including Prey and Bioshock Infinite.
  • Fixed issues that occurred in Need for Speed ​​3, Ninja Blade, and Ys Origin.
  • The d3d11.ignoreGraphicsBarriers option has been enabled for Stray to address performance issues with some GPUs.


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