GNU APL 1.8 release

After more than two years of development, the GNU project presented issue GNU APL 1.8, an interpreter for one of the oldest programming languages ​​- APL, which fully complies with the requirements of ISO 13751 ("Programming Language APL, Extended"). The APL language is optimized for working with arrays of arbitrary nesting and support for complex numbers, which makes it in demand for scientific calculations and data processing. In the early 1970s, the idea of ​​the APL machine gave impetus to the creation of the world's first personal computer, the IBM 5100. The APL was also very popular on Soviet computers in the early 80s. Of the modern systems based on the ideas of APL, one can note the computing environments Mathematica and MATLAB.

In the new version:

  • Added the ability to create graphical applications using strapping around the GTK library;
  • Added RE module that allows using regular expressions;
  • Added FFT (Fast Fourier Transforms) module to perform Fast Fourier Transform;
  • Implemented support for user-defined APL commands;
  • Added an interface to the Python language that allows you to use the vector capabilities of APL in Python scripts.


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