Release of IWD 2.0, a package for providing Wi-Fi connectivity in Linux

The release of the Wi-Fi daemon IWD 2.0 (iNet Wireless Daemon), developed by Intel as an alternative to the wpa_supplicant toolkit for organizing the connection of Linux systems to a wireless network, is available. IWD can be used both on its own and as a backend for the Network Manager and ConnMan network configurators. The project is suitable for use on embedded devices and is optimized for minimal memory and disk space consumption. IWD does not use external libraries and only accesses the features provided by the regular Linux kernel (the Linux kernel and Glibc are enough to work). It includes its own DHCP client implementation and a set of cryptographic functions. The project code is written in C and is licensed under the LGPLv2.1 license.

The new release offers the following innovations:

  • Added support for configuring addresses, gateways and routes for IPv4 and IPv6 networks (by iwd without using additional utilities).
  • Provided the ability to change the MAC address at startup.
  • A list with access points that can be used for roaming is enabled (previously one access point with the best performance was selected for roaming, and now a list is maintained, ranked by BSS, to quickly select spare access points in case of failure when connecting to the selected one).
  • Implemented caching and resumption of TLS sessions for EAP (Extensible Authentication Protocol).
  • Added support for ciphers with 256-bit keys.
  • Support for authenticating clients using the legacy Temporal Key Integrity Protocol (TKIP) has been added to the access point mode implementation. The change made it possible to provide support for older hardware that does not support ciphers other than TKIP.


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