fish 3.2 shell release

The fish 3.2.0 (friendly interactive shell) release has been published, developing as a more user-friendly alternative to bash and zsh. Fish supports such features as syntax highlighting with automatic detection of input errors, suggestion of possible input options based on the history of past operations, auto-completion of input options and commands using their description in man-guides, comfortable work out of the box without the need for additional configuration, simplified scripting language , X11 clipboard support, convenient search tools in the history of performed operations. The project code is distributed under the GPLv2 license. Ready packages are formed for Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, openSUSE and RHEL.

Among the added innovations:

  • Added support for undoing changes (Undo and Redo) when editing the command line. Undo is called through the combination Ctrl + Z, and Redo through Alt + /.
  • Built-in commands now perform processing as data arrives, for example, a string replace operation starts output immediately, without waiting for all input data to arrive. Including built-in commands can now be used in a chain of commands that transfer data through unnamed pipes, for example "dmesg -w | string match '*usb*'".
  • If the path at the command line prompt does not fit within the width of the terminal line, it is now partially truncated rather than replaced with ">".
  • Improved performance of input autocompletion by pressing Tab (for ambiguous additions, a list of replacements is immediately displayed without having to press Tab a second time).
  • Added a new helper function "fish_add_path" to add the path to the $PATH environment variable, automatically filtering out duplicates.
  • Provided more visual error diagnostics when executing the test command.
  • In the "$x[$start..$end]" construct, it is now allowed to omit the values ​​of $start or $end, which are defined as 1 and -1 by default. For example, echo $var[..] is equivalent to $var[1..-1] and will print from the first to the last element.
  • Significantly improved performance of many functions. Enhanced capabilities of string processing functions.


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