wolfSSL 4.4.0 Cryptographic Library Release

Available new release of compact cryptographic library wolfSSL 4.4.0optimized for use on embedded devices with limited processor and memory resources, such as IoT devices, smart home systems, automotive information systems, routers, and mobile phones. The code is written in C language and spreads licensed under GPLv2.

The library provides high-performance implementations of modern cryptographic algorithms, including ChaCha20, Curve25519, NTRU, RSA, Blake2b, TLS 1.0-1.3 and DTLS 1.2, which, according to the developers, are 20 times more compact than OpenSSL implementations. It provides both its own simplified API and a layer for compatibility with the OpenSSL API. There is support OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) and CRL (Certificate Revocation List) to check the revocation of certificates.

Key innovations in wolfSSL 4.4.0:

  • Support for chips based on microarchitecture
    Qualcomm Hexagon;

  • DSP-assemblies for carrying out the operations of checking error correction codes (ECC) on the side of DSP-chips;
  • New APIs for ChaCha20/Poly1305 in AEAD;
  • OpenVPN support;
  • Support for use with the Apache http server;
  • Support for IBM s390x;
  • PKCS8 support for ED25519;
  • Callback support in Certificate Manager;
  • P384 elliptic curve support for SP.
  • API for BIO and EVP;
  • Implementation of AES-OFB and AES-CFB modes;
  • Support for Curve448, X448 and Ed448 elliptic curves;
  • Assembly support for Renesas Synergy S7G2 using hardware acceleration tools.

Source: opennet.ru

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