Release of Mastodon 3.2, a decentralized social networking platform

Submitted by release of a free platform for deploying decentralized social networks β€” Mastodon 3.2, which allows using its own facilities to create services that are not controlled by individual providers. If the user does not have the ability to run his own node, then he can choose a trustworthy public service to connect. Mastodon belongs to the category of federated networks, in which a set of protocols is used to form a single structure of communications. Activity Pub.

The server side of the project is written in Ruby using Ruby on Rails, and the client interface is written in JavaScript using the React.js and Redux libraries. Source texts extend licensed under AGPLv3. There is also a static frontend for publishing public resources such as profiles and statuses. Data storage is organized using PostgreSQL and Redis.
Provided open API for development additions and connecting external applications (there are clients for Android, iOS and Windows, you can create bots).

In the new release:

  • The interface for sound playback has been completely redesigned, it has become possible to automatically extract album art from downloaded files or assign your own thumbnail images.
  • For videos, in addition to assigning a thumbnail based on the contents of the first frame, there is now support for anchoring custom images that are displayed in place of the video before playback starts.
  • When sending links to video and audio content hosted on Mastodon to other platforms, the ability to open this content using an external player of the platform used, for example, using twitter:player, has been added.
  • Added additional account protection. If the user does not have two-factor authentication enabled and has not logged into their account for at least two weeks, then a new login attempt from an unknown IP address will require confirmation via an access code sent by email.
  • When setting up tracking, blocking, or ignoring members, it is now possible to attach a note to the user that is visible only to the adder. For example, a note can be used to indicate reasons for interest in a particular user.


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