Release of Minetest 5.3.0, an open source clone of MineCraft

Submitted by issue Mintest 5.3.0, an open cross-platform version of the MineCraft game, which allows groups of players to jointly form various structures from standard blocks that form a kind of virtual world (genre sandbox). The game is written in C++ using a 3D engine irrlicht. The Lua language is used to create extensions. Minetest Code spreads licensed under the LGPL, and game assets licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0. Minetest ready builds created for various distributions of Linux, Android, FreeBSD, Windows and macOS.

From improvements noted Resuming support for the Android platform. The build for Android provided the use of OpenGL ES 2, added support for Android Studio and solved problems with entering Cyrillic characters. Extended GUI capabilities (Formspec) and added an element for scrolling (scroll_container). Added buttons in the game selection bar of the main menu and in the world configuration menu to search for content in the Content DB. Optimized server and API performance. Improved player control. Added new textures. In the server
implemented backend for PostgreSQL authentication and chat command "/revokeme (priv)".

Release of Minetest 5.3.0, an open source clone of MineCraft


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