Release of nginx 1.17.0 and njs 0.3.2

Submitted by first release of the new master branch nginx 1.17, within which the development of new features will continue (in a parallel supported stable branch 1.16 only changes related to the elimination of serious errors and vulnerabilities are made).

All changes:

  • Added support for variables in the "limit_rate" and "limit_rate_after" directives, as well as in the "proxy_upload_rate" and
    "proxy_download_rate" of the stream module;

  • Increased requirements for the minimum supported version of OpenSSL - 0.9.8;
  • By default, the assembly of the ngx_http_postpone_filter_module module is provided;
  • Fixed problems with non-working of the "include" directive inside the "if" and "limit_except" blocks;
  • Fixed bug when processing byte values ​​"RangeΒ«.

Of the significant improvements that are expected in the 1.17 branch, the implementation of protocol support is mentioned QUIC and HTTP/3.

Additionally, it can be noted issue njs 0.3.2, a JavaScript interpreter for the nginx web server. The njs interpreter implements the ECMAScript standards and allows you to extend nginx's ability to process requests using scripts in the configuration. Scripts can be used in a configuration file to define advanced request processing logic, generate a configuration, dynamically generate a response, modify a request/response, or quickly create problem-solving stubs in web applications.

New release of njs adds support for string patterns defined in the spec ECMAScript 6. String templates are string literals that allow expression embedding. Expressions are defined in the block ${…} placed inside the line, which can include both individual variables (${name}) and expressions (${5 + a + b})). In addition, support for named groups in the RegExp object has been added, allowing you to associate parts of a string matched by a regular expression with specific names instead of ordinal match numbers. Added support for building with the GNU Readline library.


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