nginx 1.21.1 release

The release of the main branch of nginx 1.21.1 has been formed, within which the development of new features continues (only changes related to the elimination of serious errors and vulnerabilities are made in the parallel supported stable branch 1.20).

Major changes:

  • Nginx now always returns an error when using the CONNECT method; when specifying the "Content-Length" and "Transfer-Encoding" headers at the same time; when there are spaces or control characters in the query string, HTTP header name, or "Host" header value.
  • Improved configuration testing when using multiple listening sockets.
  • Improved escaping of characters """, "<", ">", "\", "^", "`", "{", "|" and "}" when proxying with a URI change.
  • Reduced memory consumption for long running requests when proxying with more than 64 buffers.


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