Nextcloud 17 cloud storage release

Submitted by cloud platform release Nextcloud 17, developing as fork project ownCloud, created by the main developers of this system. Nextcloud and ownCloud allow you to deploy full-fledged cloud storage on their server systems with support for synchronization and data exchange, as well as offering related features such as video conferencing, messaging and, starting with the current release, the integration of functions to create a decentralized social network. Nextcloud sources, like ownCloud, extend under the AGPL license.

Nextcloud provides tools for sharing, version control of changes, support for playing media content and viewing documents directly from the web interface, the ability to synchronize data between different machines, the ability to view and edit data from any device anywhere in the network. Access to data can be organized both using the web interface and using the WebDAV protocol and its CardDAV and CalDAV extensions.

Unlike Google Drive, Dropbox, Yandex.Disk and, the ownCloud and Nextcloud projects give the user full control over their data - information is not tied to external closed cloud storage systems, but is placed on user-controlled equipment. The key difference between Nextcloud and ownCloud is the intention to provide in a single open product all the advanced features that were previously only available in the commercial version of ownCloud. The Nextcloud server can be deployed on any hosting that supports PHP scripts and provides access to SQLite, MariaDB/MySQL or PostgreSQL.

In the new release:

  • Added "Remote wipe" feature to allow users to wipe files on mobile devices and administrators to wipe data from all devices of a given user. The function can be useful when you need to allow a third party to upload some files while working on a project, and delete them after the collaboration is completed;

  • Added "Nextcloud Text", a self-contained text editor with Markdown and revision versioning support that allows you to co-edit text without installing advanced editors such as Collabora Online and ONLYOFFICE. The editor seamlessly integrates with the video calling system and chat to organize collaboration of a group of people on one document;

  • Added a secure viewing mode for confidential text documents, PDF files and images, in which public copies of protected files can be watermarked and hidden from public download areas based on attached tags. The watermark includes the exact time and the user who downloaded the document.
    This feature can be used when it is required to prevent information leakage (trace the source of the leak), but at the same time leave the document available for review by certain groups;

  • Implemented the ability to set up two-factor authentication after the first login. The administrator is given the opportunity to generate one-time tokens for emergency entry in case it is impossible to apply the second factor. As a second factor, TOTP (such as Google Authenticator), Yubikeys or Nitrokeys tokens, SMS, Telegram, Signal, and spare codes are supported;
  • The Outlook add-on provides support for secure mailboxes. To protect against interception of the text of the letter, only a notification of a new letter with a link and login parameters is sent to the recipient's email, and the text itself and attachments are shown only after logging into Nextcloud;

    Nextcloud 17 cloud storage release

  • Added the ability to work with LDAP in write mode, which allows you to manage users in LDAP from Nextcloud;
  • Integration with IBM Spectrum Scale and Collabora Online Global Scale services is provided, and versioning support for S3 is added;
  • Optimized the performance and responsiveness of the interface. The number of requests to the server during page loading has been reduced, storage write operations have been optimized, a new event dispatching interface and an initial state manager have been proposed (allows you to instantly display some pages by substituting the results of some initial ajax calls on the backend side).


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