Release of OpenLDAP 2.6.0, an open implementation of the LDAP protocol

The release of the OpenLDAP 2.6.0 package has been published, offering a multi-platform implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) for organizing and accessing directory services. The project develops a modular server part that supports various data storage and access backends, a proxy balancer, client utilities and libraries. The code is written in C and distributed under the BSD-like OpenLDAP Public License.

In the new release:

  • The lloadd proxy balancer implements additional load balancing strategies and options to improve consistency when performing advanced operations.
  • Added direct-to-file logging mode to slapd and lloadd without using syslog.
  • The backends back-sql (translating LDAP queries into a SQL-enabled database) and back-perl (calling arbitrary Perl modules to process specific LDAP queries) have been deprecated. Removed backend back-ndb (storage based on MySQL NDB engine).


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